Collaborative Care Model

Collaborative Care Model

The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) is a proven, team-based approach that integrates mental health services into primary care, making psychiatric care more accessible and effective. In this model, primary care providers, behavioral health care managers, and consulting...
Types of Child Behavioral Problems

Types of Child Behavioral Problems

Children can have a number of reasons for behavioral issues and they can manifest in very different ways. At the root of most of these disorders, the child is likely experiencing some level of fear, insecurity, sadness, or anger and the resulting behaviors have a...
How To Get Tested for ADHD

How To Get Tested for ADHD

There are a lot of self-assessment options for ADHD all across the internet that can help you learn more about yourself and self-regulation techniques. However, ADHD testing from a psychiatrist is the best way to establish a comprehensive mental health treatment plan....
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